Modern Professors are not Professors

3 min readJun 21, 2021


If there’s anything I’ve learned in completing my bachelor’s and continuing to further in my education toward a doctorate, is that majority professors have no idea what they’re talking about.

Think I’m wrong?

For one, most professors spew nonsensical garbage over a few PowerPoints premade by companies like Pearson and McGraw-Hill and expect students (most of whom are adults with real lives) to actively engage in. Want to learn more about why these top publishing companies are terrible? Read Here.

“Group projects” are not group projects at all — instead, vast majority of the time, these projects consist of brawl beating between students who are highly motivated and those who are not. We see plenty of internet memes circling young college-aged adults like these to prove the point:

Another feature of today’s modern professors involves the idea that students are bound to plagiarize — and that these students must be punished for a crime!

I’d hate to break it to you, but nobody’s ideas are ever truly original. What’s more is that the United States (and most Western civilizations today) are a cesspool of entitled, whiny doctorate-level geeks who get hard-ons at the thought of being the only person to publish a brand, spankin’ new idea. These same people play power-hungry, cut-throat games to wipe out anyone who may have even a similar idea to theirs. Why?

Because their entire lives are spent worrying about their reputation and focusing on being published in New York science magazines and revolting publishing companies like the aforementioned Pearson. They want their names to ring a bell like Isaac Newton or Noam Chomsky. The difference is that those two individuals didn’t have to sell their soul to a review board to get shit done. They simply wrote about their findings, took their jobs seriously, and went on with their lives.

Want to read more about how “plagiarism” isn’t actually plagiarism? Read Here.

Modern professors are not mentors. They do not care about their students’ personal lives or what they wish to accomplish. Even if they do care, they certainly do not go the extra mile to prove it. What was normally met with certain rigidity yet kindness and compassion from professors, is now met with pure ignorance and disinterest in the pupils.

As Ralph Waldo Emerson put it (one of my all-time favorite education philosophers and transcendentalists), “If a child happens to show that he knows any fact about astronomy, or plants, or birds, or rocks, or history, that interests him and you, hush all the classes and encourage him to ten it so that all may hear. Then you have made your school-room like the world. Of course you will insist on modesty in the children, and respect to their teachers, but if the boy stops you in your speech, cries out that you are wrong and sets you right, hug him!” (Emerson, 1960, p.1).

Modern professors’ egos are too fragile to be contested — that is, if a student protests their rules and obligations, the professor has zero responsibility to listen. They care more so about their cushiony government position rather than their lowly, indebted students. Because of this, professors nowadays expect students to think like them, act like them, write like them, and share beliefs — could you guess? — like them!

It is no surprise that more and more of the younger generation shy away from the indoctrination of collegiate endeavors. It is, in fact, expected because:

Modern professors are not professors.


Emerson, R. (1960). Education. American Transcendentalism Web.




Written by Sanity_among_society


Here to tell the truth and nothing but the truth.

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